Issue 8 Cover

Issue 8

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Tips and techniques4

Country Ham6

If you've never had country ham, here's your chance to try a traditional Southern treasure.

Fried country ham with red eye gravy11

Side Dishes for Country Ham12

Traditional country ham companions have learned some new tricks.

Curing Country Ham16

See how Burgers' Smokehouse cures some of the best country hams.

Buttermilk Biscuits18

If you try only one recipe in this issue, these biscuits should be in your oven.

Beaten Biscuits19

In colonial days, beaten biscuits were standard fare for very special guests.


Fresh asparagus is hitting the stores now. How is it grown, and what's the best way to cook it?

Crepe Napoleon22

Crepes are coming back. Learn basic crepe making. Then use them to make a Crepe Napoleon.

Crab Cakes26

It's blue crab season. Here is a crab cake recipe that'll look and taste like a big-time chef made them.

Thai red pepper sauce31

Slicing Knives32

Hollandaise Sauce34

One of the five mother sauces. Thick, rich, and delightfully decadent.

Beyond Eggs Benedict36

Eggs Benedict are almost common. But try these unusual alternatives at your next brunch.

What's happening in food39

Questions & Answers40

Lemon Meringue Pie42

What's more refreshing than the taste of real lemons? I'll tell you now, this pie is /tart!/

Easy-Cut Meringue44