Tips and Answers

Better Flavor for Breading

Egg washes are the norm for breading, but there's a better, more flavorful way! Use our quick tip to provide for flavor and cling for the breading.

Hollow Out Mushrooms with a Melon Baller

When prepping mushrooms for stuffing, use this simple trick to remove the gills and give the perfect amount of space for the filling. It makes a nice shape with lots of space for good stuff!

How to Steam Asparagus Without a Steamer Basket

Whether you just don't have a steamer basket, or don't want an extra kitchen tool to purchase and store, you can steam asparagus (and other vegetables) with this simple tip.

How to Revive Limp Vegetables

Don't toss those limp vegetables, like artichokes, asparagus and broccoli, just yet! You may be able to revive them with this simple tip.

Double Up Egg Wash for Even Better Bread

Want your seeded bread to really shine—and not lose all the toppings while you are cutting slices and before you get it to your mouth? Here's a simple tip for better bread baking at home.

Pepper Stand for Upright Stuffed Peppers

To easily stuff bell peppers and keep them upright during baking, use this simple tip. No more slipping, sliding or tipping!

Rectangular Rise for Dough Proofing

Make your pastry and bread making easier with this simple tip! When making stromboli, sweet rolls or anything that needs to be in a long, rectangular shape, try this dough proofing hack.

Easy Pizza Transfer with Parchment Paper

Learning how to use a pizza peel is a practice in patience, but with this simple trick, you never need to worry about transferring your pizza from the peel to stone anymore.

Cast-Iron Care

If you've ever wondering how to care for your cast-iron cookware, we've got you covered with these simple tips to keep your skillets and Dutch ovens in top shape.

How to Ripen Tomatoes

Here’s a way to ripen green tomatoes that aren't quite at their juicy, peak ripeness or that you’ll have to pull off the vine before the first frost.

Aromatic Grilling with Herbs

Don't throw out those woody, end-of-season herbs! Use this simple tip to preserve them and impart more flavor into your grilled foods.

DIY Olive Oil Bottle

Protect your pricey olive oil from rancidity (and save some money) by recycling old wine bottles and making a DIY olive oil bottle.